From Challenge to Reward: Meetup with Shubham Londhe Sir ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

From Challenge to Reward: Meetup with Shubham Londhe Sir ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


3 min read

I would like to express my gratitude to Shubham Sir for initiating the #90daysofDevOps challenge. As a member of the DevOps community, I have greatly benefited from this challenge and am honoured to be mentored by Shubham Sir. Moreover, I would like to extend my thanks to the entire DevOps & Shubham Londhe (TrainWithShubham) community for being supportive and inclusive. This community are a great source of inspiration and motivation for aspiring DevOps professionals like me. I am proud to be part of this community and look forward to contributing to its growth and success.

๐Ÿ“ Meetup Experience

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Shubham Sir, a well-known influencer in the field of DevOps, and I couldn't be more grateful for the experience. During our meetup, we discussed various topics related to DevOps and shared our experiences. Shubham Sir is incredibly down-to-earth and approachable, despite his impressive fanbase, followers, and subscribers.

๐Ÿ“ Surprised Gift Gesture:

During our meeting, I was taken aback when he surprised me with a gift for being the first participant to complete the #90daysOfDevOps challenge. It was an amazing Mechanical Keyboard and a T-shirt that had "Train With Shubham" printed on it. I was thrilled and felt incredibly thankful for this wonderful gesture. This gift serves as a reminder of the journey I went through during the challenge and the things I learned from all the LinkedIn connections.

๐Ÿ“ Inspirations

What really amazed me about Shubham Sir was his kindness and generosity. He took the time to understand my struggles and provided me with valuable insights to help me improve my skills. This experience has truly inspired me to keep working hard and striving for excellence in my career.

The Mechanical Keyboard is an excellent gift that will undoubtedly help me be more productive and efficient in delivering more content. The T-shirt, on the other hand, is a great reminder of the hard work and dedication that went into completing the #90daysOfDevOps challenge. Every time I wear it, it reminds me of the lessons I learned and the progress I made during the challenge.

๐Ÿ“ Conclusion:

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to Shubham Sir for taking the time to meet with me and for his thoughtful gift. He is an exceptional influencer in the DevOps community, and I feel incredibly lucky to have met him. Thank you once again for everything, and I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I've gained from our discussion to my work.

๐Ÿ“ Resources:

Follow TrainWithShubham for DevOps & Cloud related contents:


I invite you to check my portfolio in case you are interested in contacting me for a project!. Prasad Suman Mohan

๐Ÿ”ต Don't forget to follow me also on LinkedIn:

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